Eva Redmond (she/her)

Hi everyone! My name is Eva, I'm heading into my fourth year at MUNL (and also my fourth year on the board!) in hopes of becoming a middle school teacher. On campus I am involved with SASF, Munhope, and am a student ambassador. Off campus, I am a regular volunteer at the Salvation Army Centre of Hope and occasionally volunteer at the St. John's Farmers Market.

Since becoming a board member I have been given the privilege to represent students on the university Senate, the HSS planning and research committee, the HSS Waivers and Appeals Committee, the Dean's search committee, MUNSU’s foodbank rep, and most recently was elected as president of the Disability Resource Centre.

Through my growing involvement with MUNSU, and my interactions with my mentors both on the board and in the MUNSU office, I have developed a very strong passion for the work MUNSU does and have a growing desire to fight for students however I can. I am so thankful to have been elected as undeclared rep for another year, and cannot wait to continue representing you folks as best I can. If you ever need anything be it advice, support, or just a new friend, please do not hesitate to reach out to eredmond@mun.ca

Eva is also the incoming MUNSU Students with Disabilities Rep.