Alexander Murray Geological Club

last ratified: Winter 2024

The Alexander Murray Geological Club is a long-lived university society that represents the undergraduate student body in the Department of Earth Sciences at Memorial University. The club raises money to help fund students attend out-of-province conferences such as AUGC and PDAC. We host bi-weekly mixers, lunch and learns, sports events, field trips, and formal events. The Murray Club offers student volunteer opportunities with the CIM MRR as well as PDAC. Being involved in the Murray Club allows young geoscientists to make connections with industry and government professionals. These connections help establish our careers and propel us forward in the geoscience community.

Located in the Alexander Murray building, room ER-4068, The Murray Club is a society room complete with foosball tables and comfy sitting area. It is a place where students can sit, have lunch, and relax between classes. The room is shared with Computer Science society, and mixers are held throughout the semester.