est. 1997

External Director: Theo Walsh

Internal Director: Theodore Browne

Personal Relations: VACANT

Social Affairs: VACANT

Communications: VACANT

Finance: VACANT

The Memorial University Sexual and Gender Advocacy Resource Centre is a volunteer-based centre that aims to promote awareness and advocacy for people of marginalized genders and orientations, both among marginalized populations and the community as a whole. MUN SAGA is available to provide information on anything related to sexual health and gender awareness, and can provide a wide range of items; condoms (internal and external), oral dams, tampons, pads, binders and books. We also provide peer counseling, coffee, and a chill, inclusive, confidential atmosphere. MUN SAGA; a safe place for everyone, a safe place for you. Visit us in UC6022, or contact us using the links above.


LBGT-MUN was created as a student society by graduate student Ramona Roberts in Fall 1996. In the fall of 1997, it was officially given status as a resource centre, becoming the second resource centre at MUNSU, following the WRC (now Intersections).