Smash Bros. Newfoundland (SmashNL)

last ratified: Winter 2024


SmashNL is a team of students and alumni who aim to maintain a welcoming group for all things relating to the Smash Bros. video game series. We run weekly events on-campus, open to students and non-students, maintaining numbers of 30+ weekly attendees for a number of years. We are currently focused on growth and appealing to new members (as permitted by health guidelines) while maintaining events for our existing community.

The primary goal of this group is to create and maintain a Super Smash Bros. community here in Newfoundland!

Salt Water Smash is the Smash NL MUN Society’s weekly Melee and Ultimate Tournament series. We rotate between Melee and Ultimate Singles every Thursday and info about the event will be posted a few days in advance in our Facebook group. Tournaments go from 6:00pm-11:00pm.

We strive to maintain a safe and inclusive space for anyone that participates in our events. Through friendly competition and casual play, we hope to continue growing our community and provide undergraduate students with a comfortable environment to make friends and enjoy all things involving Super Smash Bros.

Our weekly events at MUN allow for the growth of community in a convenient, accessible location to students and non-students alike. These events are often appealing to groups of students who are interested in the game series, and allows for a break from university activities while giving access to a social event and friendly competition.